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Maher gets the Mad Magazine treatment

Maher gets the MAD treatment

by digby

I have no idea how Bill Maher will take this but if MAD Magazine did a parody of me it would be the greatest tribute I could imagine. I suspect that will be true of Maher as well — he’s about my age and I would guess he grew up devouring MAD Magazine as I did. (I’ve admitted before, without shame, that it may be the greatest influence in my intellectual life.)

Here are some of the “rules”:

“Start going to a stylist. You can’t rail every week about the petroleum industry when you’ve got a quart of Quaker State in your hair.” 

“Regarding marijuana, you have to either smoke up on air or shut up. We get it: you like pot. So do all your viewers — it makes it easier to watch your show.” 

“You have to actually finish a monologue joke before you start to laugh at it.” 

And: “You can’t make references throughout the show about how stupid and uncultured the midsection of America is — and then close the show by rattling off upcoming live appearances in the same places those ‘stupid and uncultured’ yahoos live. What does that say about your act?”

This is via Politico

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