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Republican officeholder shoots friend in the face incident of the week

Republican officeholder shoots friend in the face incident of the week

by digby

And just think, he’s a “safety guy”:

A pro-gun Oklahoma lawmaker (R) says he’s “mad at myself” for accidentally shooting another hunter last month, according to the The Oklahoman.

“I just felt horrible about it. I just was sick,” said Rep. Steve Vaughan, who wounded the man in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun as he was aiming at a pheasant.

“I’m a safety guy,” he said. “Gosh, I’m as safety as I can be. I was so mad at myself for even thinking about shooting the bird in this direction where I knew he was down in there.”

The lawmaker took full responsibility for the incident and said he didn’t realize the other hunter, Drew Ihrig was injured until he appeared nearly a half hour later holding up a rag to his face.

“I said, ‘You know, everybody’s shooting, (and) I don’t know that it was me, per se, but I would say it probably would have been because the bird did go that direction and I did shoot that direction,’” Vaughn said.

This is the same guy who wrote a bill to expand the right of business owners and employees to use deadly force when they feel scared. I’m sure they’ll all be “as safety as they can be.”

There is a lesson here: don’t go bird hunting with Republican lawmakers. They are reckless fools with a gun in their hands.


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