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Chief Justice John Roberts, hippie socialist sellout

Chief Justice John Roberts, hippie socialist sellout

by digby

Via TPM:

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Thursday sided with the court’s four liberals in blocking, at least for now, the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census.

“Altogether, the evidence tells a story that does not match the explanation the Secretary gave for his decision,” Roberts wrote, citing what he called the administration’s “contrived” reasoning for attempting to add the question to the survey.

For conservative thinkers, operatives and TV stars around the net, the vote was tantamount to treason.

Far-right columnist Michelle Malkin:

Retired cop and Newsmax TV host John Cardillo:

Conspiracist an radio and TV host Wayne Allyn Root:

Noted green-screen talk show host Bill Mitchell:

Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs:

Hill.TV presenter Buck Sexton:

American Conservative Union chair and definitely not an elitist Matt Schlapp:

He has lifetime tenure. But the conservative claque really cares about being seen as being loyal to the tribe above all else. If the wingnut legal establishment takes this tack, he’ll hear it and he’ll feel it.


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