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The Queen of the Arctic lies again

The Queen of the Arctic lies again

by digby


“I tell my kids, ‘Yes, we eat organic, we just have to go shoot it first,’” she told her first guest, DeeDee Jonrowe, a veteran Iditarod musher.

“Our meals happen to be wrapped in fur, not cellophane,” Palin said, noting she didn’t realize people actually bought meat until she attended college out-of-state.

I call bullshit. I went to high school in Alaska back in the 70s, when Palin was still in grade school. I passed through Wasilla many times — it’s a suburb of Anchorage, after all, not a remote Indian Village out in the bush. They had a huge grocery store called — “Safeway”  — in a mall on the Parks Highway right in town. I doubt very seriously that Palin never went to the Safeway mall or passed by the meat section. In fact, I doubt very, very seriously she only ate game meat. A lot of Alaskans do eat it, for sure, but the only ones that eat it exclusively are the very poor.

Back when I lived there people from out of state would ask me if Alaskans really lived in igloos. I’d reply, “yes, and inside their igloos they have this big box with knobs on it called a “color TV.” It’s pathetic that she’s trying to portray Alaska as some 19th century throwback to the frontier. She grew up in a place that had grocery stores and movie theatres and car dealerships and fast food franchises just like everywhere else in America. What a liar.


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