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Who you calling a liar?

Who you calling a liar?

by digby

I’m listening to Wayne “Trapper John” Rogers on a Fox News show called “Cashin’ In” right now as he screams incoherently that President Obama should be impeached. Because he listened to Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones. Oh and Eric Holder should be impeached too. That’s their Saturday financial show, by the way, which is ostensibly not political. Oh, and Obamacare is nothing but lies, lies lies in case you were wondering.

Meanwhile, in case you were wondering what the next round of real lies about Obamacare is going to be, here it is:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has engaged in an aggressive messaging and lobbying campaign to delay and potentially repeal a mandate in the ACA for businesses to provide health insurance benefits to their employees.

This campaign is based on exaggerated claims and misinformation.

About 55 percent of Americans who have health insurance receive their benefits through an employer. Drafters of the ACA looked to take advantage of this widely utilized option to further expand health care coverage. Included in the law was a requirement that businesses with 50 employees or more offer affordable health insurance coverage to their employee or potentially face a penalty.

U.S. Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue claims, “[T]he law actually jeopardizes existing jobs by changing the definition of full-time work from 40 hours to 30 hours, adding insult to injury for American workers. [This change gives] some employers little choice but to reduce employees’ hours to avoid the requirement to provide coverage.”

This is, of course, bullshit. But that won’t stop them.


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