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The days when we weren’t confused

The days when we weren’t confused

by digby

Now that it’s obvious people are signing up for Obamacare in droves and are not having their policies cancelled willy nilly with no alternatives, Americans for Prosperity are trying a new approach:

We got a letter telling us that we were gonna be—you know, our current policy was gonna be cancelled. Even though I’ve seen reports where our insurance commissioner’s granted another two-year extension, we’ve yet to receive anything telling us that we’re gonna be extended.

It’s like living in a haze. You don’t know whether you’re gonna have insurance, or whether you’re gonna be able to afford your insurance. It was taken away from us. Or it was given back to us. Or it was taken … we don’t know what it’s been now!

Here’s the script for Part II:

Health insurance used to be so easy to understand. Before, you just filled out a little post card with your name, sent in a dollar and you were automatically covered for life, no questions asked. Premiums never went up, the insurance company always paid the bills and you never had to worry about what was covered and what wasn’t. You just went to the doctor and he took care of you. Hardly anyone got sick and everyone lived forever.

Now we have Obamacare and we are living in a haze. Why did they ruin our perfect private health insurance system?

Part III:

“If you hate Obama you’ll hate Obamacare. Take our word for it.”


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