MAGA goes back to the drawing board

So the whole fake electors and Green Bay Sweep did not work as Trumplandia planned for overturning the will of the voters in 2020. And since the coup plan counted heavily on Republicans holding the vice presidency, and since Congress reformed the 1887 Electoral Count Act in 2022 to prevent a recurrence, the enemies of democracy went back to the drawing board for 2024.
Sure, red-state legislators have since erected every new hurdle to voting they could conjure and pass. But what’s a MAGA Republican to do if troublesome citizens still manage to muster enough votes to elect a Democrat and not Donald Trump to the White House in 2024?
Monkey-wrench election certification, that’s what.
As a Rolling Stone investigation explained, “in the swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania . . . at least 70 pro-Trump election conspiracists currently working as county election officials” stand ready to question “the validity of elections” and to delay or refuse to certify results as mandated by law. At least 22 have done so in the past, injecting themselves as election arbiters into what is an essentially “ministerial” function. Election challenges are the job of state boards, district attorneys and courts.
The slapdash quality of the Green Bay Sweep has been replaced with a more sophisticated effort.
“I think we are going to see mass refusals to certify the election” in 2024, Democratic election lawyer Marc Elias told Rolling Stone. “Everything we are seeing about this election is that the other side is more organized, more ruthless, and more prepared.”
Then there was that creepy moment at an Aug. 3 rally when Trump name-checked three state Georgia Elections Board Republicans (the majority) for “doing a great job” as “pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory.”
This is election denier-in-chief Donald Trump we’re talking about. Why would he praise election officials?
An election subversion war machine
All three members of the board — Dr. Janice Johnston, Rick Jaffares and Janelle King — have, like Trump, questioned the results of the 2020 election. And the trio came under fire recently from a good government group for quietly holding a meeting without the other two members in an attempt to pass new election rules that would increase the number of partisan poll watchers.
Georgia’s election deniers this month did indeed pass “a raft of new rules that critics say could void valid votes, place onerous burdens on overtaxed election workers and potentially delay the certification of results.”
Elias warns at Democracy Docket that with “fewer than 100 days until the election, Republicans are building an election subversion war machine.”
This is not the white-knuckled volunteer effort to challenge voters’ eligibility that I reported at Crooks & Liars in 2013. This scheme involves election officials challenging the results.
Elias writes:
They have sacrificed traditional get out the vote activity to fund and recruit for their massive voter suppression program. They have a constellation of well-funded legal groups supplanting these efforts with unlimited money and grassroots volunteers. They are sending their lawyers into courthouses around the country to lay the groundwork for their anti-democratic plans.
Regarding the new Georgia rule, A.B. Stoddard adds at The Bulwark:
Election experts say the new rule could disrupt the entire process across the state by allowing local partisans to reject results. And Georgia appears to be at the center of Trump’s plans. Casting doubt on Fulton County, which makes up the bulk of Democratic votes in the state, will help him claim he won the Peach State as the rest of the results come in red.
But even without an explicitly permitted “inquiry” like the new Georgia rule provides, Republicans in other swing states still plan on acting at the county level to slow or stop certification. Because questioning the outcome at the very start of the process will create delay. Any doubt and confusion, and perhaps even violence, makes it easier to miss essential deadlines and can threaten the chance that the rightful winner prevails.
Enough confusion and delay ultimately could mean throwing the election to the U.S. House of Representatives. There, where each state gets one vote, the red-state majority could — legally — hand back the Oval Office to the MAGA king, end the republic as we know it, and damn the will of the people.
What’s to stop them?
The North Carolina State Board of Elections in March 2023 removed two Surry County election officials for co-signing a letter declaring “I don’t view election law per NCSBE as legitimate or Constitutional.” One refused to certify the results of a November 2022 municipal election; the other agreed on a technicality, reported ProPublica. Similar efforts to thwart certification have lost in court in other states. But that’s all after the fact. Delay is the pro-autocrat’s friend.
Stoddard offers:
The Washington Post reported in June that “in some states, election administrators have already identified voters in each county who could serve as plaintiffs in emergency lawsuits to force county boards to certify results. In others, state administrators are sending detailed instructions to county officials laying out the limits of their power to block certification.”
It’s crucial that these plans are widely publicized. And they can be. Just like Project 2025, which was virtually unheard of and is now in the forefront of the political debate. Putting a media spotlight on this issue will force Republican officials to address what they are well aware of and are refusing to call out.
Indeed, that is one reason I’m writing this today. An alarmed friend called Thursday to insist such a preemptive publicity campaign is what’s necessary. Prophylactic publicity. Threats of lawsuits against election officials who obstruct certification. Threats, even frivolous ones, are Trump’s preferred strategy, aren’t they? Because they often work. We know.
Work the refs. (They do.) Show up in numbers to public meetings of your local elections board and direct questions to Republican members about certification. Make them sweat enough to think twice about throwing the process into chaos.
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