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Apparently, He Just Loves Paying Lawyers

Trump is suing the FBI for $100 million over the Mar-a-lago search. It’s very stupid:

MSNBC’s Lisa Rubin tweeted:

@JoyceWhiteVance notes, a civil suit like this would allow discovery on both sides. And one thing DOJ would get to find out is whether Trump himself (or any business he owns) paid his alleged $15 million in legal fees incurred in defending against the Mar-a-Lago case, or whether, for example, his leadership PAC, Save America, actually assumed those costs for him through the generosity of his donors.

Good luck with this. The FBI found hundreds of classified documents strewn around his public beach club which he refused to give back, hid from them and then lied about it repeatedly, But sure. Go for it, Don. Make some more lawyers happy. After all, your sad, deluded cult is paying for it.

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