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The battle of the century

The battle of the century

by digby

Now this should be fun:

Howard Kurtz has decided it’s about time somebody took on Stephen Colbert – and Kurtz has volunteered for the job. The only problem? In his heavy-handed attack on Colbert, Kurtz has only served to set himself up as the brunt of more jokes.

In what seems to be a preview of today’s Media Buzz, Kurtz wrote a post for Fox News Insider on Friday:

It’s about time someone took on Stephen Colbert.

This guy—a fake anchor if ever there was one—has been maligning hard-working journalists for too long.

Journalists like me…

Now Colbert was perfectly nice to me when I was once on his show, but it’s now clear he was just trying to disarm me for future attacks. Well, two can play this game, buddy.

Oh my dear God. I think he might be serious.

Or just whoring for traffic and eyeballs … you be the judge.


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