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A rather large mistake

A rather large mistake

by digby

Oopsie …

Income inequality can lead to slower or less sustainable economic growth, while redistribution of income, when measured, does not hurt and can even help an economy, IMF staff found in a research study released on Wednesday.

Although the study by International Monetary Fund economists does not reflect the Fund’s official position, it is another sign of a shift in its thinking about income disparity.

“It would still be a mistake to focus on growth and let inequality take care of itself, not only because inequality may be ethically undesirable but also because the resulting growth may be low and unsustainable,” according to the study.
“In the bad old days, the IMF asked governments to cut public spending and taxes,” said Nicolas Mombrial, the head of Oxfam’s Washington office. “We hope this research and Christine Lagarde’s recent statements are a sign that they are changing their tune.”
Jonathan Ostry and Andrew Berg, two of the authors of the IMF paper, also researched the link between income inequality and growth in 2011.

At the time, Ostry said the response was that income redistribution rather than inequality was responsible for hurting growth: some argued that inequality prompted governments to transfer money to the poor, which reduced incentives to work.

Their follow-up paper on Wednesday showed redistribution was not to blame.

“We find that inequality is bad for growth … in and of itself,” Ostry told reporters on Wednesday. “And we can say that redistribution by itself doesn’t seem to be bad for growth, unless it’s very large.”

They said there was evidence that extremely high taxes or transfers to the poor, such as which occurs in some European countries, could hurt growth. But they found that redistribution also helped growth by reducing inequality.

Oh H-E-double hockey sticks. You mean all that character building austerity wasn’t really a good idea after all?

I’m shocked.


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