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He Has A Record

All those people who say they love Trump because of his policies should really look at what he did when was president instead of listening to his lies. Take, for example, his bold proposal to eliminate taxes on tips. Guess what he did when he was president? From 2018:

House Republicans passed a spending bill Thursday that includes an important amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act. It bars employers from keeping tips earned by workers.

The text, written by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), was added to the bill to block a proposed Trump administration rule that would have allowed employers to pocket the tips of millions of workers — a move that could cost service workers $5.8 billion a year in lost tips.

The amendment would soften the blow of the new tipping rule the Department of Labor (DOL) is developing. The rule, which the agency proposed in December, would repeal an Obama-era regulation that made official what had been the common view for decades: that tips are the sole property of the workers who earn them. It would essentially allow employers to share their workers’ tips with other staff, or keep tips for themselves, provided they pay workers the full minimum wage.

Luckily, the Democrats stopped them. This time they may not be able to.

No one should ever take any promises he makes in this election seriously. He is a liar, as we know, and at this point will say anything to win.

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