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Are You Man Enough?

Are you Dad enough?

Winston Carter @winstonious in Instagram ad by Jacob Reed @typographynerd.

To support a woman for president?

To choose your own daughter over a felon and adjudged rapist?

The Lincoln Project asks the latter question: Are you Dad enough to choose your own daughter’s safety over a felon and adjudged rapist? Especially if you did in 2016 and 2020? Will you once again vote with a political party that’s made obvious lying company policy?

Ugh. After that vid, perhaps a lighter chaser.

And finally, a philosophical tool custom-made for the disaster in North Carolina and the one coming to Florida (checks watch) about 2 p.m. CT today. By that, I mean the disinformation maelstrom.

Hanlon’s razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

What prompts this citation is an incident a couple of days ago in Burnsville, NC. A North Carolina National Guard (NCNG) Black Hawk helicopter looking to deliver generators could not spy a space large enough and safe enough to set down in the Sav-Mor Foods parking lot. They hovered over the parking lot for a bit trying to decide what to do and then flew off, scattering a pop-up tent and some supplies with their rotor wash. Dumb move.

Naturally, the Black Hawk was, you know, black. And you know what that means. Let the conspiracy fantasies begin. “So who were they? Why did they do this?”

Last night, the NCNG responded on X:

The North Carolina National Guard (NCNG) is aware of an incident involving a NCNG UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter during a delivery of generators at the request of a local civilian organization to power their distribution outpost in western North Carolina.

While attempting to land, rotor wash caused items to blow away from the local distribution set up by a group of civilians in the area. The crew immediately identified the situation, aborted the landing for safety reasons, and departed the area.

This incident is currently under investigation and the crew has been grounded until the investigation is complete. The NCNG is working with the identified local civilian organization to assess the level of damage caused by the rotor wash.

Safety is the NCNG’s number one priority, especially with the high volume of air operations currently happening across the region. While the NCNG strives for precision in every mission, sometimes things don’t go as planned.

When that happens, the NCNG takes it very seriously and are committed to addressing and correcting any issues to prevent future occurrences.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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