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Isolationism ftw

Isolationism ftw

by digby

That’s Trump’s twitter feed, showing that Trump’s followers are not the isolationist peaceniks too many Democrats want to believe they are. If he decides to go to war, there will be no more bloody-minded war hawks in the land, I guarantee it. It’s who they are.

He blew up the Iran deal, put the Iranian economy into free fall and now the situation is rapidly spiraling out of control as Iran reacts. Shocking, I know…

I’m watching Lindsey Graham saying Iran is the enemy of mankind and Trump has been very patient with them. (Also something about Al Qaeda and how Trump warned Assad not to use chemical weapons and the rest is history.)

Trump says this may have been a mistake by an underling. Perhaps. Let’s hope so. But this is exactly the situation I’ve been worrying about since the morning after election day in 2016.

We wake up today to a fundamentally different world than the one in which we woke up yesterday. The nation our allies looked to as the guarantor of global security will now be led by a pathologically dishonest, unqualified, inexperienced, temperamental, ignorant flimflam man. Things will never be the same. And we have no idea at the moment exactly what form this change is going to take, which makes this all very, very frightening…

The danger of someone making a mistake (or a “mistake”) has always been the one that keeps me awake at night. They know we are led by an impulsive imbecile. They may think they can bluff him or manipulate him and they probably can. With the president trying to get re-elected and the temptation to wag the dog along with the competing hawks in his administration maneuvering for war, we have a very, very dangerous moment manifesting itself. It’s kind of a miracle that it hasn’t happened already.


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