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Ask The Experts

A lot of us are looking at our mail-in ballots this week-end and have some questions. is featuring another interesting and useful “Ask the Experts” about the election:

November is fast approaching, and with it a myriad of state and local elections. We published a guide last week to more than 500 races, and why they matter, to help you navigate it.

But we also wanted to hear from you. For “Ask Bolts,” our ongoing series in which we tackle reader questions, we asked you what you wanted to know about these upcoming elections. 

As always, you came through with many thoughtful questions. Today I tackle six of them—a fun opportunity to introduce you to our team’s elections reporting and research in a new way.

Navigate to the question that most interests you here, or scroll down to explore them all at your leisure:

What are the interesting referenda in November?
Jump to our answer.

What is a state auditor, and why should I care?
Jump to our answer.

What’s the best way to find out about nonpartisan judges? So many people tell me they have no idea and leave the ballot blank.
Jump to our answer.

I have a lot of friends who say, “I live in D.C., it’s not like my vote matters that much.” What downballot races can I advocate for?
Jump to our answer.

What’s the most unusual office that’s having elections?
Jump to our answer.

Where can people get involved as poll monitors? I can travel.
Jump to our answer.

Stay tuned for more before election day. And if you have a question, it’s not too late to share it!

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