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Quotes from the Tea Party base on the default, by @DavidOAtkins

Quotes from the Tea Party base on the default

by David Atkins

Nothing provides a window into the mind of the Republican base like a perusal of Free Republic. It’s a perfect distillation of what dittoheads and their friends are saying and thinking.

When it comes to the debt default, nothing better illustrates the problems of the Republican Party with its caucus and its messaging than a straight sampling of uncensored base conservatism. This is what it looks like when you unleash a political dragon and can’t put it back in its cage:

knarf: I’d say that’s why …. people like us keep saying, let Rome fall.

Eternal Vigilance: “Government “shut down” = “a good start”

Willywill: “republicans are in trouble.” god, I hope this whole thing collapses and all those good for nothing, fake journalists get arrested.

concerned about politics: Why? They’re doing the right thing. More and more people are slowly finding out what’s in obomacare, and they’re freaking out. They’re waking up to what the left wing freeloaders are costing them.
I’d say the Republicans have it made as long as they don’t cave and screw it up.

Amendment10: This chaos concerning federal government funding is probably nowhere near the chaos that former Speaker Pelosi irresponsibly put the House through when she rammed Obamacare.

Uncle Chip: I love the smell of chaos in Washington

Serkit: Is that angry black former law instructor going to get on television and lecture us again about evil Republicans harshing his choom buzz?

Mojito:Is this illegal, unconstitutional, monstrosity called the Federal Government worth saving? No. Let it burn to the ground.

jeffc: No, the RINO GOPe is in trouble. But I doubt Politico can tell the difference…..

Viennacon: I want to see if O-sh7tstain has the guts to default

oldeconomybuyer: I’ll take chaos over bipartisanship. Obamacare was passed by rebels and will only be defeated by rebels. Put Ted back in the game. Let him speak for the GOP.

LibLieSlayer: I’d say harry and his trained muzzie are in trouble!

Da Coyote: RINOs may be in trouble. Conservatives are not. Die, RINOs, die.

VandeKoik: Chaos there means less chaos they can reap on us.

St.Thomas.Aquinas: Hip. Somehow we’re surviving.

concerned about politics: History always points to the president. History doesn’t care who’s in charge of the house or senate at the time. For example: who was in charge of the house and senate during the failed Carter presidency? Who was during the FDR presidency? Oboma will be blamed for everything that goes right or wrong in the end. The buck will always stop with him. The next generation will see oboma as the one who crashed the global economy, because his own ego was more important than the people of the world.

Clay Moore: Frankly the whole bunch of them can open brawl over what brand of pencil to use for the next umpteen years. The more they fight amongst themselves, the less tyranny they can visit upon us.

Gasshog: The rats are in trouble. If the debt ceiling isn’t raised (not saying I want it to) then the rats and their media can holler till doomsdays its the faults of Republicans but Obama will OWN it. Obama will be the first DEFAULT pres. How sweet it is.

ptsal: My guess is there will still be a sunrise and a sunset….Let the govt go broke.

Obama_Is_Sabotaging_America: Shut it down. It’s the only way to ensure spending cuts. Start with the White House.

DesertRenegade: The lib media is so afraid that they will lose hold of the narrative. The reality is that if government stays shut down, our credibility will actually rise because we can finally balance the budget. It’s so simple, a child can see it. I can see Jesus just as he did to the moneychangers, kick Obama and his ilk out of the people’s house and let their corrupt institutions crumble. Please stand strong Sen. Cruz!”>

Keep in mind that these aren’t cherrypicked. I’ve pretty much posted each comment one after the next.

This is the conservative base, the ones who decide who wins GOP primaries. They won’t settle for anything but economic disaster, they don’t view Democratic electoral wins as legitimate, and they can’t figure out whether the crisis is a good thing, or the Democrats’ fault, or both.


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