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Flags of our grandfathers

Flags of our grandfathers

by digby

According to Robert Costa, this WWII memorial protest has given the GOPers on the Hill a shot of adrenaline after a week of disappointment and they’re gearing up to fight on next week with all they’ve got. I’m not kidding.

If you can’t fathom my report about Right enthusiasm/#war mentality following memorial protests, go ask a righty lawmaker, or check out…
— Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) October 13, 2013

… front pages of Breitbart, Twitchy, Drudge, Blaze, Townhall, Daily Caller, etc
— Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) October 13, 2013

When I say “big story,” I mean big story to those on Right on Hill who have some sway/decisions to make in the coming days
— Robert Costa (@robertcostaNRO) October 13, 2013

Retweeters of that pic say their “tears are flowing.”

This one makes me want to laugh:

Here’s the headline from Michelle Malkin:

‘Shut down the White House!’ Million Vets March protests outside the Spite House

Yes, it really is the funhouse mirror version of the 1960s — WWII vets protesting against the Democratic White House because the Republicans in congress shut down the government. I’m pretty sure somebody finally succeeded in putting LSD in the water supply.

Update: Also too, confederate flags. Classy.

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