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Republicans Have Mandated Sexual Assaults on Women by tristero

Republicans Have Now Mandated Sexual Assaults on Women 

by tristero

You think I’m exaggerating:

St. Louis ob-gyn Amy Addante tweeted this week about the real-world effect of the requirements being imposed on patients and doctors at the last clinic performing abortions in Missouri. 

“Today,” the doctor wrote, “I was forced by the state of Missouri to perform an unnecessary pelvic exam on a patient terminating her pregnancy for a fetal anomaly. She is heartbroken over her situation, and I was forced to do an invasive, uncomfortable exam. It broke me as a physician to do this to her.”

To her, not for her. Not for any medical reason, but to keep the clinic open, at least for now.

On her show, Rachel Maddow reports that this “exam” — which again, Republicans in Missouri have mandated —  entails a doctor inserting fingers and “other instruments” into a person’s vagina for no medical reason whatsoever.

First, they came for the Muslims. Then they locked children in cages. Now, they’re mandating that doctors sexually assault their patients.

And there is no end in sight.

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