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The Stuff Of Nightmares

Mediaite reports on the latest GOP 2028 tea:

When President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Fox News last month, anchor Bret Baier asked what should have been a softball question: “Do you view Vice President JD Vance as your successor, the Republican nominee in 2028?”

Trump’s response was glaring.

“No, but he’s very capable,” the president said matter-of-factly. “I mean, I don’t think that it, you know, I think you have a lot of very capable people. So far, I think he’s doing a fantastic job. It’s too early, we’re just starting.”

Well! That’s quite a denial.

However, according to Mediaite, people around Trump weren’t surprised because he’s really grooming his number one son, Don Jr to run. Yes, you read that right.

Three high-level sources told Mediaite that Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son and an omnipresent MAGA evangelist across the internet, is seriously considering a run for president in 2028.

“Don has been the most politically involved of all the Trump kids and has always kept the lanes open for a presidential run,” one White House insider and close friend of the Trump family said. “He is a valued voice for his father, and a real possibility to be a contender in 2028.”

Trump Jr. boasts his own loyal following, a successful show on Rumble, and a strong presence on social media with more than 14.6 million followers on X. He serves as a key advisor to his father – he was credited with advocating for Trump to choose Vance as his running mate – and hit the campaign trail aggressively in the run up to the 2024 election.

What else do you need? It certainly isn’t brains, character or experience, which means he’s totally qualified.

The insiders all said that he’s keeping a lid on this talk for now because he doesn’t want to start a battle with JD (another living nightmare) but that it’s almost a sure thing. I would guess the real reason they aren’t openly talking about it yet is because that would just emphasize Trump’s lame duck status and he’s got a lot of pay-back to get to before he’s finished.

Junior sent this characteristically classy response to Mediaite:

I accurately predicted that my buddy JD would be an instant power player in national GOP politics, so your theory is that I worked my ass off to help get him the VP nomination because I want to run for president in 2028? Are you fucking retarded? I’m actually glad you’re printing this bullshit though because at least now the rest of the press corps will see how shitty your “sources” are and how easily you’re played by them. Congrats, moron.

He’s running!

I’m going to make the early prediction that he’ll be about as successful as Ron Desantis in 2024. But I do relish the bloody battle between him and JD Vance.

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