If Trump looks like a Russian asset, walks like a Russian asset, etc.

The Donald Trump nominees before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week were U.S. Ambassador to NATO nominee Matthew Whitaker (the former Trump acting Attorney General who looks like Marvel’s Kingpin once sold manly toilets), and Deputy Secretary of State nominee Christopher Landau, former ambassador to Mexico in the first Trump administration. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D) of Oregon meant to use his time to talk about the elephant in the room. He wasted no time.

“Is President Trump a Russian asset?” Merkley asked bluntly.
Asked first, of course Landau said, “Absolutely not.”
Merkley then explained that he’d asked because others have asked him that question and, to all appearances, “they say, ‘If [Trump] was an asset, we would see exactly what he’s doing now.’ “
Closer to the Edge substack transcribes Merkley’s listing of evidence:
Senator Merkley: “For example… he proceeded to forward — or express from the Oval Office — propaganda that has been Russian propaganda… that Ukraine started the war… that, uh… Zelensky is a dictator.”
Step one: repeat Kremlin talking points like they’re gospel.
Senator Merkley: “Second of all… he gave away key things on the negotiating table before the negotiations even started, ensuring the U.S. would absolutely oppose, um… any possibility of NATO membership for Ukraine.”
That’s like showing up to a poker game and tossing your entire stack of chips across the table before the first card’s dealt.
Senator Merkley: “Uh… third… he’s cut off the arms shipments to Ukraine completely — undermining their ability against a massive neighbor next door with short supply lines and… and huge resources.”
Pause here and picture Vladimir Putin popping champagne.
Senator Merkley: “Fourth… he’s undermined the partnership with Europe, which has been essential to security over the last 80 years — a major goal of Putin’s.”
At this point, Merkley wasn’t describing bad policy — he was reading Putin’s wish list.
Senator Merkley: “And then… he’s done everything to discredit and demean Zelensky on the international stage — notably with that shameful press conference in which he teamed up with the Vice President to attack Zelensky.”
Ah yes, that infamous JD Vance press conference — the diplomatic equivalent of shoving Zelensky’s head in a toilet while Putin watched from the corner clapping like a seal.
Senator Merkley: “I can’t imagine that if he was a Russian asset, he could be doing anything more favorable than these five points.”
Landau dodged and changed the subject, so Merkley turned to Whitaker and asked him instead if he approved of Trump’s five actions.
Manly Toilet Kingpin demured because “We’re in the middle of a very, uh… important peace negotiation.”
Merkley responded:
Senator Merkley: “I agree. Thank you. Uh… I… I do hope that we have an Administration that works to get the very best deal for Ukraine.
“But what a Russian asset would do would be to work to get the very best deal for Russia — and that appears to be exactly what Donald Trump is trying to accomplish.”
Perhaps “Is President Trump a Russian asset?” is a question all of Trump’s nominees should have to (not) answer.
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