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Doomsday Prevention

Who needs it?

Following up on my piece this morning about the COVID amnesia and America’s new quest to destroy all the scientific institutions that keep us safe, here’s another bit of fodder for our nightmares:

In December 26, 2004, the geological plates beneath Sumatra unleashed the third-most-powerful earthquake ever recorded. A gargantuan column of water raced toward Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, and Indonesia. None of these countries had advance-warning systems in place, so no one had time to prepare before the surge hit. Some 228,000 people died—the highest toll of any natural disaster so far this century.

Setting up prevention systems would have been inexpensive, especially compared with the countless billions the tsunami ultimately cost. But governments typically spend money on preventing disasters only after disasters strike, and the affected countries hadn’t experienced a major tsunami in years. After the events of 2004, USAID spent a tiny fraction of its budget to help fund an advance-detection system for the Pacific, which might have saved hundreds of thousands of lives had it been in place sooner. But some people would have seen such an investment as a “waste”—inefficient spending that could have gone toward some more immediate or tangible end.

DOGE has turned this dangerously flawed view into a philosophy of government. Last week, Elon Musk’s makeshift agency fired one of the main scientists responsible for providing advance warning when the next tsunami hits Alaska, Hawaii, or the Pacific Coast. The USAID document that describes America’s efforts to protect coastlines from tsunamis, titled “Pounds of Prevention”—riffing on the adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure—now redirects to an error message: “The resource you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.”

More than 800 workers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have lost their job in recent weeks, including many who helped mitigate climate disasters, track hurricanes, predict ever-stronger storms, and notify potential victims. Meanwhile, cuts to volcano monitoring are crippling the government’s ability to measure eruption risk. DOGE is also reportedly preparing to cancel the lease on the government’s “nerve center” for national weather forecasts.

Musk has categorized as superfluous a good deal of spending that actually makes the country more resilient, at a time when catastrophic risk is on the rise. We never see the crises that the government averts, only the ones it fails to prevent. Preparing for them may seem wasteful—until suddenly, tragically, it doesn’t.

The modern, globalized world is the most complex and interconnected environment that humans have ever navigated. That’s why the potential for catastrophic risk—that is, the risk of low-probability but highly destructive events—has never been greater. A single person getting sick can derail the lives of billions. A crisis in one country’s banking sector can crash economies thousands of miles away. Now is precisely the time when governments must invest more heavily in making themselves resilient to these kinds of events. But the United States is doing the opposite.

Why? Does anyone really know the answer to that question because I honestly don’t. Project 2025 wants to remake the United States into a Christian nationalist theocracy so they need to destroy all government and science which interferes with their need for patriarchal authoritarianism. But that’s not Musk’s goal. He thinks the techno nerds should run everything but he’s clueless about what “everything” is just assuming that he and his nerds will figure it all out later. Ok. And we know that Trump is just bent on destroying everything in his quest for vengeance and the delusions that it will somehow make him into the Emperor of the world.

The rest of the elected Republicans are just cowardly people of low character who are willing to help them all destroy the world and I’m afraid that the MAGA voters are simply too brainwashed and addled by Trump’s demagoguery and conspiracy theories to even grasp what’s actually happening.

So is it just that these people all have different goals that just happen to be served by a leader who is so imbecilic and psychologically damaged that he will let them use the United States of America as their tool? I think so. And what it adds up to is chaos and catastrophe.

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