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“Burn them, burn them both!”

“Burn them, burn them both!”

by digby

I saw this yesterday and honestly thought she was joking. Apparently not:

“As soon as William really kind of emerged into the public eye, you had this wholesome prince and his choice of Kate Middleton turns out to be absolutely impeccable. I mean, once again, she does the perfect thing,” Brown said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “I mean, although there’s the constitutional change that we can now have a girl as the first born to be the monarch, nonetheless, she does the traditional thing, and she gives us a prince. She gives a king. I mean, let’s face it, the Queen will be thrilled. She and the Duke of Edinburgh, much as they would have said they would have been fine with a girl first born, they really did want a boy and they got one.”

I’m sure he’ll have more to say about it tonight, but for right now the only response to that is from John Oliver:

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