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The sick reaction

The sick reaction

by digby

If you haven’t been following the right wing reaction to the Zimmerman verdict and the president’s remarks about it this discussion between Karen Finney and David Brock will quickly fill you in:

I’ve been shocked by the open, unabashed racism and even full-fledged white supremacism I’ve been seeing on Facebook and around the right wing blogosphere over the past week. This is the old school racism in full effect, with a overlay of unctuous sanctimony about “black on black” crime as if that somehow makes them the real heirs to Martin Luther King.

Pamela Geller synthesizes it perfectly in this stomach churning deep dive down the rabbit hole:

I know we must suffer this buffoon his on the job training but is there not a shred of decency in him? Is there not one iota of responsibility, or conscience, or goodness to this Jeremiah Wright disciple? He is inciting instead of calming , which is what a leader does.They picked the wrong case to exploit to their own racist ends and still he and his thugocracy persist in spite of the facts.

The bloody joke is on all those voters who bought the “uniter” ad copy. All of those voters who cast a vote for Obama if only to show that we were beyond racism and the 20th century’s defects. But what America got was the opposite. Instead, we, as a nation, have been hurled backwards – horribly backwards. I have never known the country to be so race fixed, so race obsessed, so race abused as we are under Obama.

What an ugly transformation he has orchestrated. It is shocking. His sanction”Every F***ing Cop Is A Target”, of the mindless violence, the beatings of innocent people in the name of Trayvon, is sedition. But predicted: The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America.

His flapping tongue is too eager to publicly lynch Geroge Zimmerman but strangley silent on Banghazi, the IRS war on patriots, Fast and Furious, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. Obama’s flapping tongue is strangley silent on the hundreds of young balck men murdered by black men. Obama’s flapping tongue is strangley silent on the failure of Trayvon Martin’s parents. [, 7/19/13]

Many more like it at the link. Yuck. I have to have a drink now. I can’t take it.


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