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Republican misogyny may doom them faster than racism, by @DavidOAtkins

Republican misogyny may doom them faster than racism

by David Atkins

In the constant internal GOP tug-of-war between “tone it down to appeal to sane voters” and “ramp it up for the wingnut base”, guess which side is winning?

The Republican-led House on Tuesday sought to shore up their support from conservatives with a vote on one of the most far-reaching anti-abortion bills in years.

The measure to restrict abortions to the first 20 weeks after conception will be ignored by the Democratic-controlled Senate but not necessarily by voters in next year’s GOP primaries. Supporters see it as an opportunity to make inroads against legalized abortion while Democratic opponents portrayed it as yet another instance of what they call the GOP’s war on women.

The legislation, heading for near-certain passage in the House, contravenes the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortions and invites court challenges that could eventually force the Supreme Court to reconsider that decision.

All the pundits like to talk about how racial demographics are dooming the Republican Party longterm. But the GOP’s dismal performance among women is also a huge factor. After California’s nonpartisan redistricting I now live in CA-26, one of the most contested congressional districts in the nation. In last year’s battle between Democrat (and now Congresswoman) Julia Brownley and Republican former State Senator Tony Strickland, this was by far the most effective ad:

The Republican House has taken a number of votes, including this last one, opening themselves up to another round of this all over the country.

While I have many problems with a Hillary Clinton candidacy (I would far prefer a President Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris), it would be cathartic to watch the Republican misogynistic id on full display, only to be smacked down in 2016 with a landslide victory for the female Democratic nominee as well as the retaking of the House gavel by Nancy Pelosi.

Republican misogyny may doom them faster than their racism.


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