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Sometimes a tweet is just a tweet: Queen of the Village holds forth on Hillary. Again.

Sometimes a tweet is just a tweet: Queen of the Village holds forth on Hillary. Again.

by digby

I am at a loss for words. Luckily this speaks for itself:

There were two surprising things about Hillary Clinton’s first tweet.

Clinton broke her Twitter silence this week with this bio: “Wife, mom, lawyer, women and kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD . . . .” A photo by Diana Walker showing a serious-looking Clinton in black and looking at her Blackberry through dark glasses is her avatar.

What’s surprising is that the photograph belies her tweet. You would think with that choice of photo she would start her bio with anything but “wife, mom.” If she’s itemizing her accomplishments and interests, to have U.S. Senator and Secretary of State at Nos. 7 and 8 pretty much gives the shaft to the whole notion of “leaning in.”

For sure, “leaners’ would have started with those two and worked down. For those Hillary watchers and tea leaf readers this might give some of them a clue to her priorities. Does “wife, mom” sound like somebody who is running for president?

Would a male opponent start his tweet with “husband, dad?”

This could be a not-so-subtle way of throwing people off the scent. The other stuff — “dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado” — is funny and cute, but it doesn’t send the truly serious, almost powerful message that “wife, mom” does.

What she really cares about, of course, is being a “women and kids advocate,” which has always been her true passion. That was underscored Thursday when she announced she would join her family’s charitable arm, which was renamed the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and champion children’s and women’s issues.

Even more surprising about her tweet, however, is an omission.

She never mentions her faith. “Christian”? “Person of faith”? “Methodist”? “Believer”? Nothing[…]

The question is, does the Lord want Hillary to be president? Does she want to be president? Pundits took her tweet to be the launch of a presidential campaign. Yet it’s perfectly obvious that America will not vote for someone who is not a self-affirmed believer in God. We have a black president, and we will have a female president, a Hispanic president, a gay president and probably even a Muslim president before we have an atheist president. Those who talk openly about their own faith are more likely to appeal to the American public than those who don’t; we have even seen many shamelessly exploit religion for their own political purposes.

So if this tweet is her announcement that she is running, why would she describe herself as “wife, mom” but and not include “person of faith,” which, if you look at her background, she surely is?[…]

All I can say is this: If you want to figure out Hillary Clinton, to paraphrase Deep Throat, “follow the faith.”

This whole thing is based on a tweet. Seriously.

Still, it’s good to see that Sally Quinn’s demented crusade is still in full effect. I am a blogger after all.


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