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I guess those mother penguins are bitchez too

I guess those mother penguins are emasculating bitchez too

by digby

Here are a few wealthy, political TV celebrity guys talkin’ bout babes and whatnot:

Media Matters excerpted it for us:

On his Fox business program, Dobbs described the Pew study as “showing that women have become the breadwinners in this country, and a lot of other concerning and troubling statistics.” He went on to call the report suggestive of “society dissolv[ing] around us.”

Fox contributor Juan Williams agreed, calling record female breadwinners indicative of “something going terribly wrong in American society”:

What we’re seeing with four out of 10 families, now the woman is the primary breadwinner. You’re seeing the disintegration of marriage, you’re seeing men who were hard hit by the economic recession in ways that women weren’t. But you’re seeing, I think, systemically, larger than the political stories that we follow every day, something going terribly wrong in American society, and it’s hurting our children, and it’s going to have impact for generations to come.

Erick Erickson, one of Fox’s newest contributors, was troubled by female breadwinners and claimed that people who defend them are “anti-science.” Erickson told viewers:

When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and female in society, and the other animals, the male typically is the dominant role. The female, it’s not antithesis, or it’s not competing, it’s a complimentary role. We as people in a smart society have lost the ability to have complimentary relationships in nuclear families, and it’s tearing us apart.

Oh noes. Is the world going to hell in a handbasket again because the wimmins refuse to submit to the Real Men? I hate when that happens.

Erickson says today that feminists and liberals have their “panties in a wad” over this (which just proves what a macho, alpha-male he is) and which qualifies him to offer up his highly qualified scientific analysis. This is basically: women should get their biscuits in the oven and their buns in the bed.

I’d unpack this more but I’m tired. And anyway,Ed Kilgore, Steve Benen and Amanda Marcotte already did the honors. I especially enjoyed this from Amanda:

Erickson must have [learned] this nifty scientific “fact” by studying the animals in the well-known academic text, The Berenstain Bears, which clearly shows Papa Bear going out and earning the money while Mama Bear stays at home and cooks the food for the cubs. Of course, in the actual natural world, bears don’t make money — plus there’s a lot of diversity in how animals raise their young. (In case you’re wondering, outside of the two weeks of maternity leave mothers take to nurse their babies, foxes embrace a fairly egalitarian approach to child rearing where both parents go out and get food for their young.) One thing, however, is certain: Other primates besides humans mostly shun the male-dominated monogamy that Erickson prefers, with most species living in large bands with lots of kinky partner swapping.

Oooh baby.

Also too, as she says, it’s not about whether men or women are bringing home more of the bacon. Our problem is that neither men or women can bring home enough bacon because the 1% are hogging all the wealth.

But let’s not talk about that — look, over here dudes! Blacks … oh wait, Mexicans …oh wait, women are stealing your jobs and ruining everything.

Oh, and about those penguins:


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