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He must be high

He must be high

by digby

Oh fergawsakes:

Gil Kerlikowske, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), dismissed calls for pot legalization on Thursday, citing a recent study by his agency to claim that marijuana is the drug most commonly linked to crime. 

The punchline?

But the study (PDF) doesn’t actually show a causal relationship between pot and crime: Marijuana is far and away the most commonly used illegal drug, so it stands to reason that it would show up most often in drug tests.

These are the people who are running government drug policy. You might as well say that water should be outlawed.


Nearly half of Americans say that growing marijuana should be legal, and even more support legalizing the growing of hemp, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov Poll.

The online poll found that 47 percent said it should be legal to grow marijuana, while 37 percent said it shouldn’t.

A partisan gap was also in evidence — 54 percent of Democrats, but 34 percent of Republicans — supported legalization of marijuana growing. Independents, at 48 percent, were between members of the two major political parties.

When even 34% of Republicans think it should be lagalized, I think we know which way the (skunk-smelling) wind is blowing.

But it would be nice if the Democratic administration would at least stop saying stupid stuff to justify its position. If they think it’s going to destroy the moral fiber of America (or whatever they’re so afraid of) they should just say it instead of using nonsensical “statistical” evidence that can’t stand up under the most rudimentary logic.


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