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They ain’t done yet: The Tea Party is still in charge

They ain’t done yet

by digby

The Tea Party is still in charge:

Va. GOP picks conservatives for fall ticket; black minister is lieutenant governor choice

“The tea party leaders in Virginia are not for toning it down,” said Mark Daugherty, chairman of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation, which unites 46 tea party groups across the state. “We think folks who left us billions in debt and deficits and regulations, they need to tone it down. . . . Trying to move to the middle, or moderate your view, or tone down your conservative view is the wrong approach to future electoral success.”

Jeff Ryer, spokesman for the state Senate Republican caucus, said party activists are yearning for unabashed conservatives.

“I just get the sense that most Republicans are looking for candidates that are forthright, that are direct,” Ryer said. “They’re looking for people who aren’t embarrassed . . . like they’re at a cocktail party and they chose the wrong fork.”

That description could apply to North, the former Marine Corps lieutenant colonel and Iran-contra figure who attended the convention to support businessman Pete Snyder for lieutenant governor.

“I go all over the country for my party, and I’m not ashamed to do so,” North said in an interview Friday. “The best chance we have as a party is to find young, positive, free enterprise-experienced conservatives who understand what the media describe as social issues are really deeply moral and spiritual issues. And those candidates we need have not only that full background, but they’re unashamed to stand up and say so.”

And to think that just a couple of months ago everyone was writing the right wing’s epitaph. Again.

That’s not to say they wouldn’t be wiser to moderate and try to capture at least a small portion of the middle of the American electorate. But they still aren’t convinced they need to. And if they have a good 2014, they will remain assured they are on the right track.

I wonder how much this has to do with the fact that they’ve successfully bullied a large portion of the country to identify itself as “conservative” in polls even though they aren’t. That sort of thing could easily lead to self-delusion.

And now that they know the tyrant King Obama sicced the jack-booted thugs on their tax-exempt applications well …


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