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Now that it’s raining more than ever …

Now that it’s raining more than ever …

by digby

Ok, now we’ve got us a real scandal:

What’s she babbling incoherently about this time? You won’t believe it:

The right wing predictably went mad. But then, so did the mainstream press, which also saw fit to make note of this most banal observation ever made in this CNN “report”:

It’s not a sight you’ll see very often: two Marines holding umbrellas above President Barack Obama and Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

After sprinkles turned into a steady shower of rain midway through his Rose Garden press conference, Obama called over two Marines to hold the umbrellas aloft.

Regulations prohibit Marines from using umbrellas while in uniform. One reason: it makes it hard to salute.

According to Marine Corps spokesman Capt. Greg Wolf, the sight of uniformed Marines holding umbrellas is “extremely rare” and only happened because the president needed it.

And, of course, Obama is the commander-in-chief. If he orders Marines to hold umbrellas, they hold them, even if they can’t properly salute.

And that’s the problem isn’t it? Those nice boys have to answer to that man.


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