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So it’s liberalism that’s arrogant and condescending?

So it’s liberalism that’s arrogant and condescending?

by digby

He’s quite the joker, isn’t he?

“Progressivism is well-intentioned but it is also — in my humble opinion — arrogant and condescending,” Ryan said, according to a transcript. “Instead of helping people make their own decisions, it makes those decisions for them. It makes Washington the center of power and politicians the center of attention.”

While Ryan had harsh words for progressives, he conceded their “vision proved compelling.”

“The Left keeps winning elections,” Ryan continued. “Why? Well, you can see the appeal. In uncertain times, people look for security. Progressives seem to have an answer … the progressive state offers a sense of security. But it’s a false sense of security because government can’t keep all its promises.”

Well, if it can’t keep its promises it’s because Paul Ryan refuses to let it.

But be that as it may, you have to love this coming from Paul Ryan — especially the comic aside “in my humble opinion.” fter all, he threw his arms around this guy and ran with him on the national ticket:

“There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what … who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. … These are people who pay no income tax. … and so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives,” Romney said.

Also too: here’s another very self-effacing Ayn Rand acolyte like Paul Ryan demonstrating his humility:

“Atlas Shrugged is a celebration of life and happiness. Justice is unrelenting. Creative individuals and undeviating purpose and rationality achieve joy and fulfillment. Parasites who persistently avoid either purpose or reason perish as they should.” — Alan Greenspan


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