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Your armchair activist assignment of the day

Your armchair activist assignment of the day

by digby

I get lots of good stuff in my email box, much of it informative with lots of good causes to contribute to. So, I thought I’d start sharing one of them each day that makes sense to ask a citizen who is working and has a busy life to spare a few minutes to make the world a better place.

Here’s today’s easy armchair activist assignment from Social Security Works:

Congress recently eliminated a part of the sequester that would affect people who fly frequently. All it took was a few words from wealthy business travelers who donate to their campaigns. It took only four days for the supposedly gridlocked Congress to ‘fix’ this part of sequester–just in time for Congress themselves to fly home for recess.

Yet Congress refuses to hear the cries of the 800,000 jobless workers in 19 states who suffered cuts of an average of $120 a month in their unemployment checks.

If you haven’t taken this action yet–or tried, but couldn’t–please take a moment and do so. Congress needs to know that the people are watching. Click here to tell your member of Congress to repeal the sequester.

Or the thousands of children about to be locked out of Head Start.

Or the disabled veterans who can’t get the Social Security benefits they earned because of cuts to the Social Security Administration.

Click here to tell Congress: Repeal the Sequester.

The cuts are costing jobs and slowing already weak growth. With millions out of work, and the economy in trouble, they are not just dumb, but dangerous.

Join us, and wake Congress out of its stupor. Repeal the sequester.

Often signing petitions and joining groups is simply a way of boosting someone’s membership list. This is not one of them. Social Security Works has been doing amazing work gathering data and putting together actions to save Social Security from the deficit fetishists for a long time.

Repealing the sequester has been assumed to be a complete non-starter among the Villagers from the very beginning. But it is the only principled position for anyone who cares about average working families and the most vulnerable members of our society. And it is an absolutely necessary tactical position for liberals who refuse to accept a Solomon’s Choice of betraying the old and sick of the future for the young and sick of today. (By the way, you’ll notice that it ends up being the same people…) It’s not necessary — deficit reduction is a sham. The economy will be much better off if they abandon it. This is a rich nation with more than enough money to cover its current bills and keep it’s promises to pay them in the future.

Just say no. Repeal the sequester.. Liberals have to hold that position or the centrists will sell us out one meager, life-sustaining benefit at a time.


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