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Religious “liberty” in Mississippi, by @DavidOAtkins

Religious “liberty” in Mississippi

by David Atkins

Conservative Christians are always going on about their “religious liberty.” This is what that “liberty” looks like in Mississippi:

A high school in central Mississippi allegedly forced students to watch a Christian video and listen to church officials preach about Jesus Christ.

The American Humanist Association’s legal center filed a lawsuit against Northwest Rankin High School in Flowood on Wednesday, accusing the school of violating the student’s First Amendment rights.

The school has held at least three mandatory assemblies about finding hope in Jesus Christ this month, according to the lawsuit. The assemblies showed a video laced with Christian messages about overcoming personal hardships through Jesus Christ and were allegedly led by local church officials…

The assemblies concluded with a prayer and teachers blocked the exits to prevent students from leaving, the lawsuit claimed. A disillusioned student videotaped one of the assemblies.

I suppose that’s “liberty” in the same sense that a number of Catholic priests took unwanted “liberties” with the children of their flock.

Always remember that “freedom” and “liberty” don’t mean the same thing to them that it does to normal people.


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