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The GOP is nothing if not practical: anti-abortion politics is non-negotiable for their base

The GOP is nothing if not practical: anti-abortion politics is non-negotiable for their base

by digby

Here’s more evidence that the Republican Party is “moderating” on these pesky social issues due to their shellacking in the last election.  This post is by Reince Preibus, Chairman of the Republican Party:

Media Covers up Democrat-Backed Planned Parenthood’s Support for Infanticide

Yep. We’re back to the infanticide propaganda, their go-to horror story to make people reflexively connect zygotes with the Gerber Baby and condemn Planned Parenthood as an institution of mass murder.

Anyway, I think we can all feel fairly confident that the War on Women has not been abandoned. They’re just regrouping. There is a very large faction of GOP voters for whom these culture war issues are the only issue. They aren’t strategists and savvy pragmatists. They are true believers whose only interest in politics stems from their deeply held belief that they must save the country from perdition. Maybe Democrats just think they’ll behave like other voters and come to some practical understanding that they can only expect half a loaf, but the Republicans know that’s not going to happen. These people’s politics are about life everlasting and the promise of Armageddon. They aren’t into compromise.

The Party, on the other hand, is nothing if not pragmatic. They know they need to keep these people under the tent.


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