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King Pinocchio and the men with guns: The NRA’s subtle message

King Pinocchio and the men with guns

by digby

This is nice.  Via TPM: 

Now, one might expect that if the NRA wanted to portray President Obama as a gun grabbing bureaucrat they wouldn’t show a picture of him in an act which they exalt, wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you assume that NRA people would like seeing their president using a gun?

I’m going to guess there is some subtext here, maybe something that tickles the lizard brain a little The obvious one that comes to mind is this:

But that’s probably just too crude. Sure Fox News fetishized a couple of aging “new” black panthers who stood outside a polling place once, but that doesn’t mean there’s any racial angel with the NRA.

So, it’s more likely just a symbolic way of showing that the president is the leader of “The Men With Guns”, which means the government which wants to take your guns so that you can’t fight back when it becomes a tyranny. Like it sort of is already under “King Pinocchio”  because it’s trying to take your guns. Therefore, you must “stand and fight.” With your guns. If you get my drift.

The good news is that they had the good sense not superimpose crosshairs on the picture of the president.  Baby steps.


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