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Rand Paul pulls a Wayne LaPierre redux, by @DavidOAtkins

Rand Paul pulls a Wayne LaPierre redux

by David Atkins

Rand Paul and the NRA, joined at the hip:

Sen. Rand Paul says there’s “a certain amount of hypocrisy” that the same Hollywood celebrities and prominent politicians — including President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg — who are calling for gun control are also benefiting from armed protection themselves.

“I don’t begrudge any famous person like Mayor Bloomberg, or the president or the president’s family for having protection — I think they all should. There’s enough crazy people out there that would attack on the right or the left. But I think when you are being protected by people who have weapons by responsible people, I can’t see why you would be opposed to that for other people,” Paul, a Kentucky Republican, said Thursday on Fox News’s “Hannity” to guest-host Eric Bolling.

That should remind you of this NRA insult to the intellect:

Because, you know, the rules that go for high-profile targets like politicians and celebrities who often have to go outdoors in disguise are exactly the same rules everyone else should live by. That makes sense.

These people, including Senators like Rand Paul, aren’t that bright. The arguments they’re making could be taken apart by 1st grade students.

But they’re backed by people with big money, and by a lot of people who are desperate to take out their murder fantasies on all the “moochers” coming to “take their stuff.” Since they can’t say those things out loud in modern America, they instead resort to these sorts of arguments that no one above room temperature IQ would take seriously.


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