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QOTD: Chris Hughes

QOTD: Chris Hughes

by digby


“Once, shortly after he bought it, he said he liked a piece I’d written advocating an energy tax,” Noah wrote. “Another time, after I wrote a piece about Jim DeMint’s departure from the Senate headlined ‘Requiem For A Wingnut,’ he emailed me to say … wait, I’ve got it here: ‘I have little esteem for Jim DeMint, but I also want us to make a rule of not name-calling in headlines. We have strong opinions, but name-calling so outrightly undermines the seriousness of what we are trying to do here.’”

Maybe he should be wanker of the day instead?

Who is Chris Hughes, you ask?

Facebook co-founder and former Obama staffer and donor who bought The New Republic last March

Chris Hughes is a 29 year old multi-millionaire who Tim Noah, who relates the quote above, correctly characterizes as a young man with more money than sense.

(And, by the way, I no longer feel constrained to say such things about young people now that I have learned that anything they say when they are young will not be held against them. That’s fair enough, but if that’s the case I think it’s probably a mistake to take them seriously.)

Update:  I’m just kidding about not taking young people seriously.  I always take the arguments on the merits. But I also always gave a little more room to the earnest young people who were for the war, for instance, assuming they were lucky enough to grow up in good homes where they trusted “adults” to do the right thing.  Learning that our leaders are liars is a tough lesson that everyone has to learn and I don’t hold it against them for not knowing that at the time. The adults are the ones who have no excuse.


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