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Joe Scarborough, then and now

Joe Scarborough, then and now

by digby

Via Kevin Drum:

Here is Joe Scarborough during his debate with Paul Krugman on Monday:

Q: Would you support an extra $200 billion a year in spending on infrastructure and education right now?

A: Oh yeah. I talk about it all the time. I go around and I talk to Republicans all the time.

And here is Scarborough writing with Jeffrey Sachs in the Washington Post today:

Both of us opposed the [2009] stimulus package, the increased spending in Afghanistan and Washington’s fixation on short-term thinking. We said that the only result of this short-termism would be exploding deficits. And well before Obama himself acknowledged the point, we said that there was no such thing as “shovel-ready” projects worthy of public investment in the 21st century.

It’s an unusual approach. most people would have thought that the 2009 stimulus was the more important one, heading as we were to a possible Great Depression. But no. Dr Scarborough was against that one and for a stimulus today.

Like I said, unusual.


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