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Who knew the FBI was such a laugh riot?

Who knew the FBI was such a laugh riot?

by digby

These are some funny, funny guys:

The Federal Bureau of Investigations told lawmakers in a recent letter that across-the-board cuts resulting from sequestration “will cause current financial crimes investigations to slow as workload is spread among a reduced workforce. In some instances, such delays could affect the timely interviews of witnesses and collection of evidence.”

Investigations yet unseen may also be harmed. “In some instances, such delays could affect the timely interviews of witnesses and collection of evidence. The capacity to undertake new major investigations will be constrained,” FBI Director Robert Mueller III wrote in the letter, addressed to Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

The warning closed with the type of reasoning that critics of the lack of investigations would readily support. “Left unchecked, fraud and malfeasance in the financial, securities, and related industries could hurt the integrity of U.S. markets,” Mueller offered. “In addition, the public will perceive the FBI as less capable of aggressively and actively investigating financial fraud and public corruption, which would undercut the deterrence that comes from strong enforcement.”

Haha. Joke’s on you.

More than four years after the financial crisis, not a single Wall Street executive has been jailed for playing a role in the creation of the toxic financial products that fueled the real-estate bubble, which were in some cases designed simply to fail.

The statue of limitations must almost be up on much of the criminal activity. How convenient to be able to blame the sequester. (Because I’m sure they’re right on the verge of indicting dozens of big players. Right?)


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