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QOTD: Stuart Stevens: Makers and Takers edition

QOTD: Stuart Stevens

by digby

From Mitt Romney’s campaign guru:

STEVENS: Let me say something, Republican Party had a problem with Hispanic voters before this primary. I don’t think it got better during the primary certainly. And I think that — 

KARL: I mean, it got worse. 

STEVENS: That’s regrettable. But if you look at the numbers, it didn’t get significantly worse. 

The greatest appeal that the Obama campaign had for Hispanic voters turned out to be ObamaCare. And they ran a tremendous amount of their advertising appealing to Hispanic voters. It was the only place in their advertising where they talked about ObamaCare, was into — in it — to the Hispanic community, because an extraordinary percentage of Hispanic voters are uninsured.

Damn 47 percenters. All you have to do is buy them off with some free stuff and they’ll do whatever you want.

I think these Republicans have a way to go on this. They just can’t help themselves.


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