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Back to the 50s with Ted Cruz

Back to the 50s with Ted Cruz

by digby

This is just creepy.  (Courtesy James Fallows)

Ted Cruz can’t help it that his voice, his intonation, his posture at the microphone, and his overall style of speaking are so strongly reminiscent of Joe McCarthy’s, who died long before Cruz was born.  

He can help it that his insinuations, without any evidence, that Chuck Hagel could be taking money — from North Korea (!), from Saudi Arabia or Iran — so clearly follow the McCarthyite model.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cruz studied McCarthy and considers him a role model. He’s certainly no dummy and is sophisticated enough to know exactly how he sounds.

Needless to say, I agree that Cruz is one to keep an eye on. Everyone seems to believe that it’s inevitable now that the GOP will make its move to the middle. But they could just as easily turn even more to the political style of newly minted Senator Ted Cruz.


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