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True believers will wait for The Rapture (The GOPs long term plan)

True believers will wait for The Rapture

by digby

In the post below I mused about why the Republicans aren’t yet ready to change and suspected they were waiting for “their” DLC to form itself. Greg Sargent thinks otherwise, and he’s probably right:

Rubio explicitly said that Republicans were proceeding from the assumption that Obama’s policies would fail later. Rubio added: “We have to at least have the credibility to say: ‘We told you this wouldn’t work; here’s a better alternative.’”

In this context, the decision to change nothing suddenly makes sense. If these policies are bound to fail, simply continuing to argue against them, as Republicans are now doing, could conceivably be enough. Republicans would later be able to say: We told you so. We told you Obama’s Big Government policies would fail. Time to try the limited government approach we’ve been arguing for all along. Buying in to Obama’s policies by compromising would muddy these waters.

That’s the stance of true believers. After all, conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed. So stick to the program and as soon as the Democrats’ nefarious plans blow up in our faces, we’ll be there with conservatism to save the day.


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