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Reformers with results! GOP 382.0

Reformers with results!

by digby

Atrios sez:

I can’t believe anyone is pretending to believe their 100th rebranding exercise. They care about cutting taxes on rich people, funneling money from poor and middle class people to rich people, and occasionally kicking the poors.

Plus war, God and guns.

I’ve been laughing too, remembering the last “rebranding” just 13 years ago after the GOP let its freak flag fly and made an ass of itself over the impeachment. It was called “compassionate conservatism.”
Karen Hughes, who popularized the phrase (along with “reformer with results”)has recently begged the Party to go back to the good old days when decent, generous, kind Republicans ruled the land:

Karen Hughes, a top adviser to George W. Bush, gave her political party some tough love Wednesday, saying the GOP needs to re-embrace the “compassionate conservative” vision outlined by her former White House boss.

That’s especially true, she said, after Republicans struggled in the November election to successfully connect with women, Hispanics and other increasingly influential voting groups.

“The right approach for the Republican Party is a conservative philosophy that is hopeful and optimistic, not angry and negative,” said Hughes, who worked in the Bush Administration at the White House and State Department.

Yes, I recall how well that worked out for the whole world. Nothing angry or negative about invading a country that didn’t attack us. Or torturing prisoners. Or trying to privatize Social Security. Or crashing the world economy. It was awesome. I’m just afraid that another round of Compassionate Conservatism like that last one will finally kill us once and for all.


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