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QOTD: Bob Beckel, by @DavidOAtkins

QOTD: Bob Beckel

by David Atkins

Bob Beckel on Fox News today:

“You can’t ruin a man’s reputation based on a some hooker in the Dominican Republican.”

He’s talking, of course, about the brewing scandal around New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez.

We don’t know exactly what Robert Menendez may or may not be guilty of, but there’s certainly enough smoke there to indicate there’s probably fire. I personally don’t care what legislators do in the privacy of their bedrooms, but hiring underaged prostitutes is another story. The investigations should continue, and the chips should fall wherever they will.

Republicans are all over the Menendez story, of course, in an attempt to do damage to Democrats. That’s politics, and if Menendez is guilty of what they’re charging, it’s more than fair. It does, however, create the amusing spectacle of the same Republicans who colluded with Abramoff’s ring of prostitution and corruption play the role of defenders of poor women forced into prostitution.

Still, the Bob Beckels of the world can’t help but let their unctuous sexism and racial prejudice ooze through, anyway.


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