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No thanks, we don’t need another pro-Wall Street, pro-gun proliferation Representative

No thanks, we don’t need another pro-Wall Street, pro-gun proliferation Representative

by digby

From Howie:

Residents of the IL-02– Jesse Jackson Jr.’s old Southland seat– will decide who’s going to Congress on February 26, 4 weeks from today. And although there are nearly two dozen candidates running, polls show only two in the double-digits, progressive state Senator Toi Hutchinson and self-described “conservative Democrat,” ex-Congresswoman Debbie Halvorson. They’re neck and neck but Chicagoland voters who haven’t been paying close enough attention to see the difference got a big jolt from a headline in the Chicago Tribune yesterday: Halvorson Says She Won’t Join Democrats On Assault Weapons Ban.

It certainly isn’t the first time Halvorson has been more in tune with right-wing Republicans than with her own party and with the constituents who once sent her to Washington. She was one of only 27 right-wing Democrats who opposed Wall Street reform and voted against Dodd-Frank, almost all of whom, including Halvorson, were subsequently defeated when Democratic voters boycotted their reelection bids. She worked with the GOP to water down the tough provisions that were meant to protect investors and bank customers from the financial predators who have nurtured her own tawdry political career.

Halvorson is also a darling of the NRA. She refuses to back President Obama’s common sense, moderate approach to putting an end to the NRA’s reign of terror in American streets and schools. A few weeks ago Senator Hutchinson did a guest post at Down With Tyranny laying out why she’s sponsoring a ban on assault weapons in the Illinois legislature and why she backs President Obama’s approach:

There is no question that in America we have a problem with guns. The Newtown tragedy, the Aurora shooting, Columbine. These are places– events– that all of us will remember for the rest of our lives. And for me there is no question that there are certain kinds of weapons soldiers should have, and other kinds that civilians should be allowed to own.

As a State Senator I represent a district that straddles the landscape of South Suburban Chicago and the rural counties of Will and Kankakee. And if I win this race for Congress in the 2nd district, I will cover even more rural areas. I have a lot of constituents that are hunters. These people firmly believe that they should always be allowed to own guns that they need for recreation, and I’m with them. But I know, and they agree, that no one needs an AR-15 to bring down a deer. And no one needs a 100-round magazine on that semi-automatic for recreation or self-defense. So while I always will stand up for the hunters in my district, I also am a cosponsor on two bills in Illinois that would outlaw assault weapons and high capacity clips.

Halvorson is the only serious candidate who refuses to back the President and the Democratic Party– and the public’s grassroots public opinion– on an assault weapons ban. She’s sticking with the NRA. She read off a list of Republican Party talking points written by the NRA at a candidates forum on Sunday at Trinity United Church of Christ on W. 95th St. “For her part,” reports The Tribune, “Halvorson was adamant against looking at a gun ban. ‘I refuse to take a look at these wide ranging gun bans and pass one more law against a law abiding citizen until there is something done against those who get their guns illegally or criminal,’ she said after the forum.”

She doesn’t sound anything like Toi Hutchinson:

“Many across the country were hopeful that the NRA would moderate their position after the profound tragedy we experienced at Newtown, but unfortunately their prescription for the epidemic of gun violence that has gripped our country has been not only distributing more guns, but also letting them into our schools. Their response angered me. This kind of ideological, single-minded approach to our problems isn’t acceptable to me and it’s why I am a co-sponsor on legislation here in Illinois to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines.”

Blue America is eager to help Toi respond to the barrage of misleading campaign mail Halvorson has been sending out. We have four weeks to make a difference. Please consider making a contribution at the Blue America special election page here.

There are lots of routes to change in this nation’s politics.  And I applaud every single person who is engaged on what ever level they are engaged. Blue America is in the business of trying to make the US House of Representatives more progressive one seat at a time.

The political establishment is, naturally, backing the pro-Wall Street, pro-gun conservadem because well, she’s one of them. This is the seat that was held by Jesse Jackson Jr.  To see it fall into the hands of a New Dem would be a setback.   Please help if you can. 

This is Toi:


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