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The queen of Wasilla: schmaht as whip

Schmaht as whip

by digby


In her first comments as an ex-employee of Fox News, Sarah Palin said conservatives “can’t just preach to the choir” and must instead “broaden our reach.”

Ms. Palin released her comments through

When asked “what’s next” for her, she said, “I encourage others to step out in faith, jump out of the comfort zone, and broaden our reach as believers in American exceptionalism. That means broadening our audience.” She said she was “taking my own advice,” an apparent reference to her separation from Fox.

Now that she’s successfully dialogued the raving hippies at Brietbart I’m going to guess she feels confident enough to move completely out of her comfort zone and charge the barricades at Glenn Beck’s The Blaze. Nothing’s going to stand in the way of her outreach to the other side. Let’s all sing kumbaaya, shall we?


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