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Religious liberty for me but not for thee

Religious liberty for me but not for thee

by digby

Your tax dollars at work:

I first began investigating creationist school vouchers as my part of my fight against creationism in my home state of Louisiana. Over the past few months, I’ve learned creationist vouchers aren’t just a Louisiana problem—they’re an American problem. School vouchers are, as James Gill recently wrote in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, “the answer to a creationist’s prayer.”

Liberty Christian School, in Anderson, Indiana, has field trips to the Creation Museum and students learn from the creationist A Beka curriculum. Kingsway Christian School, in Avon, Indiana, also has Creation Museum field trips. Mansfield Christian School, in Ohio, teaches science through the creationist Answers in Genesis website, run by the founder of the Creation Museum. The school’s Philosophy of Science page says, “the literal view of creation is foundational to a Biblical World View.” All three of these schools, and more than 300 schools like them, are receiving taxpayer money. 

So far, I have documented 310 schools, in nine states and the District of Columbia that are teaching creationism, and receiving tens of millions of dollars in public money through school voucher programs. 

There is no doubt that there are hundreds more creationist voucher schools that have yet to be identified. The more than 300 schools I have already found are those that have publicly stated on their websites that they teach creationism or use creationist curricula.

This is clearly a Christian curriculum and should be unconstitutional. Just because they are paid for by “vouchers” doesn’t mean it isn’t a government program. But perhaps that ship sailed. So perhaps the way to go about dealing with this is for some other religious group to sue on the basis that having their taxes go to pay for this drivel, their “religious liberty” is being infringed. What’s good for the goose …

I can’t help but feel sad for those kids. How are they going to compete in this modern world with educations like this?


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