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Cutting hours to make a point

Cutting hours to make a point

by digby

This is a shame:

A Taco Bell employee in Guthrie, Okla., is speaking out after the fast-food franchise cut her hours to avoid costs associated with Obamacare, reports News9.

For Johnna Davis, a single mother of three who saw her hours fall in December to 28 hours a week, the change not only means a smaller paycheck. It also strips her of the right to receive health benefits from Taco Bell, a right that would have kicked in under Obamacare in 2014 had the franchise continued to give Davis a full-time schedule of hours.

Owners of fast-food franchises across the nation are blind-siding hourly employees by cutting their weekly hours — and, in turn, their paychecks — to dodge Obamacare costs.

In fairness, she might be eligible for subsidies and (if she lived in a state with something other than cretins running it) she might very well qualify for Medicaid. She should be able to get health insurance on her own if everything worked right.

But none of that will make up for the fact that she just lost a third of her income. And since they obviously don’t know yet how much their insurance costs will end up being, they using human beings to make a political point. Her bosses are clearly conservatives.

It’s going to take a while before all this is sorted out. It’s going to be a very tumultuous period in the workplace and the health care business.


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