Chris Hayes on the Democratic retreat on guns
by digby
We now know that the gun used to kill those 20 tiny children was this:
At a news conference in Newtown, Dr. H. Wayne Carver told reporters that the victims had all been identified and their bodies released. Carver said the victims he had examined had all been shot by a Bushmaster .223 caliber assault rifle, one of at least two weapons 20-year old Adam Lanza used to commit one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.
“This is probably the worst I have seen, or that any of my colleagues have seen,” Carver said of the killings.
What’s the story on the Bushmaster .223 caliber assault rifle? Lee Fang has the answer:
The National Rifle Association portrays itself as an organization that represents “4 million members” who simply love the Second Amendment. The truth is much more murky.
In reality, the NRA is composed of half a dozen legal entities; some designed to run undisclosed attack ads in political campaigns, others to lobby and collect tens of millions in undisclosed, tax-deductible sums. This power has only been enhanced in the era of Citizens United, with large GOP donors in the last election reportedly funneling money to the NRA simply to use the group as a brand to pummel Democrats with nasty ads. (As The Huffington Post’s Peter Stone reported, even the Koch network now provides an undisclosed amount to the NRA.)
Despite the grassroots façade, there is much evidence to suggest that corporations that profit from unregulated gun use are propping up the NRA’s activities, much like how the tobacco lobby secretly funded “Smokers Rights’” fronts and libertarian anti-tax groups, or how polluters currently finance much of the climate change skepticism movement.
In a “special thanks” to their donors, the National Rifle Association Foundation lists Bushmaster Firearms Inc., the company that makes the assault rifle reportedly found with the shooter responsible for the mass murder today in Newtown, Connecticut. How much Bushmaster Firearms Inc. (a firm now known as Windham) contributes is left unsaid.
The Violence Policy Center has estimated that since 2005, gun manufacturers have contributed up to $38.9 million to the NRA. Those numbers, however, are based on publicly listed “sponsorship” levels on NRA fundraising pamphlets. The real figures could be much bigger. Like Crossroads GPS or Americans for Prosperity, or the Sierra Club for that matter, the NRA does not disclose any donor information even though it spends millions on federal elections.
That’s where the NRA’s political power lies. But until their moneyed benefactors succeed in completely dismantling our electoral system, they cannot protect their elected puppets from the voters. So register your horror at the politicians in the congress who dance to their tune.