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by digby

Brooklyn’s biggest baby—at 242 pounds and counting!—is doing well after traveling from Alaska last week. Mitik, a Pacific walrus calf who was orphaned off the Alaskan Coast, is at the New York Aquarium—and the Wildlife Conservation Society’s staff and vets are giving him around-the-clock care!

Mitik, now only 16 weeks old, wasn’t expected to survive when he was found in July. The Alaska SeaLife Center diagnosed him with a bladder infection, a high white blood cell count, and he was badly dehydrated. However, the little big guy has been a fighter. Now, at his new Coney Island home, the WCS says he’s been “responding well to medications and is gaining as much as a half a pound each day. His last weigh-in put him at 242 pounds. He is bottle-fed every four hours.”

h/t to @tnapoles


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