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Yes, Banning 32 Oz Liquid Sugar Bombs Can Help by tristero

Yes, Banning 32 Oz Liquid Sugar Bombs Can Help

by tristero

Whenever I blog about food, food industry apologists insist that there are no health problems associated with obesity. So let’s get this straight: That is just so fucking not true. If you really think these people are all wrong, I suggest you write them and explain to them the error of their ways. When they admit they are wrong, be sure write me and I will offer an apology to you.

And that is why this study is so important, and why banning supersized portions of soda – note: NOT banning sodas, just insanely large sizes – is a pretty good idea. It’s not as good as taxing soda, but that is all but impossible politically.

(slightly edited after original posting)

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