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Today’s right wing victimization and whining

Today’s right wing victimization and whining

by digby

Brought to you by Right Wing Watch:

The former Susan G. Komen for the Cure executive who orchestrated the organization’s controversial and short-lived break from Planned Parenthood earlier this year, is out with a new book claiming that the funding dispute was all Planned Parenthood’s fault. In “Planned Bullyhood,” Karen Handel claims that Planned Parenthood turned its back on a “gentlewomen’s agreement” to not discuss the fact that Komen was withdrawing $680,000 a year in grants for breast cancer screenings through the organization’s clinics and then turned on Komen in a PR blitz.

Handel, an anti-choice activist and former GOP candidate who reportedly pushed the move within Komen, resigned shortly after the news of the break caused a national firestorm.

In interviews with right-wing radio hosts Janet Mefferd and Janet Parshall last week, Handel portrays herself as the victim of bullying by the “vicious” Planned Parenthood. She tells Mefferd that Planned Parenthood launched “a mafia-style attack” and that “Komen was held hostage for a mere $680,000.” She sees a double standard in the fact that President Obama didn’t call her after she was criticized, “like he did Sandra Fluke.”

Oh, boo hoo hoo.

I love the “Komen was held hostage for a mere $680,000.” And I can’t help but wonder when the Planned Parenthood bullies called her a slut in the national media and insisted that she had so much sex she could hardly walk? I must have missed all that.

On the other hand, if fighting for funding to help women with breast cancer is what she means by bullying, then bully for them.


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